Beta-mannan™ and Vera-mannan™ are the same product, just different labels for marketing purposes. Your order may be filled with either label on the bottle.
One bottle per month (2 capsules/day) for normal optimal health maintenance for healthy individuals.
Some situations such as a weakened immune system (or an immune system under attack) may respond more quickly to 3-5 bottles per month (6-10 capsules/day) for the first 3 months, followed by 1-3 bottles per month (2-6 capsules/day) for optimal health maintenance.
If you happen to skip a day, it is best to double the dose on the following day.
Each bottle contains 60 capsules.
Shipping: Our shipping days are Monday through Friday. Free shipping.
Special Offer for Foreign Orders (when ordered on this website): In order to help defray your shipping costs or customs fees to foreign countries, orders of 4 bottles or more will receive 1 free extra bottle for every 4 bottles ordered. For instance, 4-7 bottle orders will receive 1 free extra bottle, 8-11 bottle orders will receive 2 free extra bottles, 12-15 bottle orders will receive 3 free extra bottles, etc. See instructions below for Foreign Addresses.
Foreign (non-USA) Addresses: We ship to all foreign countries via MyUS addresses. MyUS will then ship to foreign addresses. It is best to first create your https://MyUS.com account; usually the account setup is free for a single package. Next order Beta-mannan™ to be shipped to the USA address that MyUS assigns to your account. Then you can have the package forwarded to your home address by MyUS at reduced rates and increased speeds by FedEx (in as little as 2-4 days). We have found this to be very efficient for our foreign customers. Just place your order for Beta-mannan™ using the form below. Consider taking advantage of the Special Offer for Foreign Orders above to help defray your shipping costs or customs fees.
Amazon customers may prefer to purchase our Beta-mannan™ supplement on the Amazon website where we sell it as Vera-mannan™. Both products are identical. But be sure to request a list of protocols from us by emailing your protocol request to [email protected].
Click here to order from Amazon.
Or use the order “Form 1” (for one-time orders) below for USA addresses (including MyUS addresses) from this official website and receive additional product information. Get one free bottle for orders of 5 bottles or more on this website.
Or use the order “Form 2” (for recurring subscription orders) below for USA addresses.
Form 1 (for one-time orders):
Form 2 (for recurring subscription orders):