Contact Dr. Glickman

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Free Beta-mannan™ consultation with Dr. Glickman: If you need more detailed instructions about Beta-mannan™ or advice for your specific situation, please email Dr. Glickman at [email protected]. Dr. Glickman will answer your questions personally, usually within 4 hours. If you prefer to receive a phone call from Dr. Glickman, just send him your cell phone number or leave a voicemail with your cell phone at (512) 525-8731 and he will return your call, usually within 24 hours. He will text you before calling you to make sure it is a convenient time to talk. Or you may contact Dr. Glickman on
Free Medical consultation with Dr. Glickman: If you wish to schedule a phone consultation with Dr. Glickman about health issues such as HPV, Pap smears, cervical dysplasia, warts, leaky gut syndrome, food allergies, or autoimmune diseases, please leave a message at (512) 525-8731 or send your request here: [email protected] Or you may contact Dr. Glickman on
Be sure to include your name, email address, and cell phone number. Dr. Glickman will text you before calling you to make sure it is a convenient time for you to talk. He will be delighted to help you.

Domestic (USA): U.S. Postal Service – Priority Mail (3-4 business days).
Foreign (not USA): U.S. Postal Service – First Class Mail Express International (5-7 business days).
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Dr. Glickman’s Supplements™, 2010 Franklin Street, Carlyle, IL 62231 USA.
Dr. Glickman’s Supplements™, PMB 1033, 8911 North Capital of Texas Hwy Suite 4200, Austin, TX 78759 USA.