Contact Dr. Glickman

And these beta compounds in Beta-mannan Supplement™ have been used by thousands of people over 20 years with no instance of allergy or side effects ever reported.
Call us! Please leave a message and Dr. Glickman will return your call as soon as he can, usually within 24 hours: (512) 525-8731. It is best to leave your cell phone number so that he can text you first to make sure it is a convenient time to talk. Or you may contact Dr. Glickman on WhatsApp.

Email us! [email protected]

Free Beta-mannan consultation with Dr. Glickman: If you need more detailed instructions about Beta-mannan or advice for your specific situation, please email Dr. Glickman at [email protected]. Dr. Glickman will answer your questions personally, usually within 4 hours. If you prefer to receive a phone call from Dr. Glickman, just send him your cell phone number or leave a voicemail with your cell phone at (512) 525-8731 and he will return your call, usually within 24 hours. He will text you before calling you to make sure it is a convenient time to talk. Or you may contact Dr. Glickman on

Free Medical consultation with Dr. Glickman: If you wish to schedule a phone consultation with Dr. Glickman about health issues such as HPV, Pap smears, cervical dysplasia, warts, leaky gut syndrome, food allergies, or autoimmune diseases, please leave a message at (512) 525-8731 or send your request here: [email protected] Or you may contact Dr. Glickman on

Be sure to include your name, email address, and cell phone number. Dr. Glickman will text you before calling you to make sure it is a convenient time for you to talk. He will be delighted to help you.

Dr. Joe Glickman
“Just passed my Internal Medicine Boards, and am therefore writing to express my appreciation for the considerable help I received from your excellent Phantom Medicine Notes™. I recommend them enthusiastically to my colleagues preparing for the boards.”
Shipping: Our shipping days are Monday through Thursday. Any orders placed after 10 AM CST will be shipped the following business shipping day.

Domestic (USA): U.S. Postal Service – Priority Mail (3-4 business days).

Foreign (not USA): U.S. Postal Service – First Class Mail Express International (5-7 business days).
Business hours: 9 am – 12 noon, CST, Monday through Thursday.

Returns purchased from this website:

Dr. Glickman’s Supplements™, 2010 Franklin Street, Carlyle, IL 62231 USA.


Dr. Glickman’s Supplements™, PMB 1033, 8911 North Capital of Texas Hwy Suite 4200, Austin, TX 78759 USA.
“Phantom Notes™ are unequal in getting to the basics fast. In addition, your references have been very helpful for honing in on the finer points.”