Dr. Joe Glickman

Dr. Joe Glickman, Jr. is a medical doctor, author, editor, and publisher of the Phantom Notes™ medical and nursing books.

Free Beta-mannan consultation with Dr. Glickman: If you need more detailed instructions about Beta-mannan or advice for your specific situation, please email Dr. Glickman at [email protected]. Dr. Glickman will answer your questions personally, usually within 4 hours. If you prefer to receive a phone call from Dr. Glickman, just send him your cell phone number or leave a voicemail with your cell phone at (512) 525-8731 and he will return your call, usually within 24 hours. He will text you before calling you to make sure it is a convenient time to talk. Or you may contact Dr. Glickman on

Free Medical consultation with Dr. Glickman: If you wish to schedule a phone consultation with Dr. Glickman about health issues such as HPV, Pap smears, cervical dysplasia, warts, leaky gut syndrome, food allergies, or autoimmune diseases, please leave a message at (512) 525-8731 or send your request here: [email protected] Or you may contact Dr. Glickman on

Be sure to include your name, email address, and cell phone number. Dr. Glickman will text you before calling you to make sure it is a convenient time for you to talk. He will be delighted to help you.

Dr. Glickman received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Texas in the undergraduate honors program of Plan II, graduated with high honors, and was initiated into the academic Honor Society of Phi Beta Kappa.

He received a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas.

He was the Editor-in-Chief of the popular medical books called Phantom Notes™ for over twenty years.

Dr. Glickman's Phantom Notes.
Phantom Notes™ helped train thousands of medical students and nursing students responsible for millions of patients.
Phantom Notes™ were published in 17 editions in the United States alone and have been sold in over 90% of US and Canadian Health Science and Medical School Bookstores.

Phantom Notes™ titles can be seen on Google. Sold in over 30 countries, and translated into several foreign languages, including Chinese, Phantom Notes™ taught the major medical disciplines of Internal Medicine, Surgery, OB-Gyn, and Pediatrics.

Phantom Notes™ helped train thousands of medical students and nursing students responsible for millions of patients.

Phantom Notes™ were found to be an indispensable tool for medical doctors and nurses in training, including interns and residents, who needed the essential facts immediately to make the correct diagnosis on the hospital wards.

Phantom Notes™ were found to be an indispensable tool for medical doctors and nurses in training, including interns and residents, who needed the essential facts immediately to make the correct diagnosis on the hospital wards.
“I have found the Phantom Medicine Notes™ excellent and extremely helpful in surviving as a medical student on the wards.”

Medical students and doctors have written many compliments about Dr. Glickman’s Phantom Notes™:

“I have found the Phantom Medicine Notes™ excellent and extremely helpful in surviving as a medical student on the wards.”

A.H., 4th Year Medical Student, Harvard Medical School.

“Just passed my Internal Medicine Boards, and am therefore writing to express my appreciation for the considerable help I received from your excellent Phantom Medicine Notes™. I recommend them enthusiastically to my colleagues preparing for the boards.”

L.R., M.D., Doctor at Downstate Medical Center, New York

“Just passed my Internal Medicine Boards, and am therefore writing to express my appreciation for the considerable help I received from your excellent Phantom Medicine Notes™. I recommend them enthusiastically to my colleagues preparing for the boards.”
“Phantom Notes™ are unequal in getting to the basics fast. In addition, your references have been very helpful for honing in on the finer points.”

Phantom Notes™ are unequal in getting to the basics fast. In addition, your references have been very helpful for honing in on the finer points.”

B.B., 4th Year Medical Student, University of South Alabama College of Medicine.

“Your Phantom Notes™ are great! They really improved my general knowledge in all areas of medicine. Relying entirely on your Phantom OB-Gyn Notes™ got me an “A” on the exam.”

W.L., 4th Year Medical Student, University of Tennessee College of Medicine.

“I love my Phantom Notes™!”

A.L.C., 4th Year Medical Student, Iowa.

“Your Phantom Notes™ are great! They really improved my general knowledge in all areas of medicine. Relying entirely on your Phantom OB-Gyn Notes™ got me an “A” on the exam.”
“Phantom Medicine Notes™ is still the hottest volume of medical smoke available. After 11 years of practice/moonlighting and as a board-certified Internist, I have found nothing better.”

Phantom Medicine Notes™ is still the hottest volume of medical smoke available. After 11 years of practice/moonlighting and as a board-certified Internist, I have found nothing better.”

F.L.H., M.D., doctor in Wyoming.

“I have found your Phantom Notes™ extremely useful and one of the best investments I’ve made since beginning medical school.”

S.H., 4th Year Medical Student, Medical College of Wisconsin.

“I’ve really enjoyed the Phantom Medicine Notes™ as a student and now as an intern. Our Chief of Medicine recommends them highly and uses a copy also.”

P.M., M.D., Intern in Texas.

“During the past month I purchased the Phantom Notes™. My copy was stolen and since I am currently in the middle of rotation, I find this to be a great loss! Enclosed please find a check to cover the cost of the book and special delivery charges. Please forward it via the quickest route.”

G.G., 3rd Year Medical Student, New York.

Dr. Glickman's Phantom Notes.
Dr. Glickman's Phantom Notes.

Phantom Notes™ publications for MEDICAL STUDENTS include:

Phantom Medicine Notes™, 960 pages, (Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hematology/Oncology, Infectious Disease, Kidney/Metabolic, Liver, Neurology, Pulmonary, Rheumatology/Immunology).

Phantom Surgery Notes™, 672 pages, (Biliary Tract, Breast, Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Fundamental Principles, Gastrointestinal, Head and Neck, Liver, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Pancreas, Thoracic, Urology).

Phantom OB-Gyn Notes™, 624 pages, (Complications of Pregnancy, Diseases of Pregnancy, Endocrinology, Fundamental Principles, Gyn Neoplasms, Gyn Problems, Infectious Diseases, Labor and Delivery, Neonatology).

Phantom Ward Notes™, 128 pages, (History and Physical, General and Routine Orders, Operative Record Dictation, Op Note, Discharge Summary, Workup Considerations, Abbreviations, Lab Values of Clinical Significance).

Dr. Glickman's Phantom Notes.
Dr. Glickman's Phantom Notes.

Phantom Notes publications for NURSING STUDENTS include:

Phantom Medical-Surgical Nursing Notes™, 640 pages, (Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, Integumentary, Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Oncology, Pulmonary).

Phantom Maternal-Newborn Nursing Notes™, 384 pages, (Antepartum Complications, Gyn Problems, Intrapartum Complications, Newborn, Postpartum Complications, Pregnancy, Reproduction).

Phantom Pediatric Nursing Notes™, 352 pages, (Cardiovascular, Development Concepts, Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, Hematology, Integumentary, Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Oncology, Psychosocial, Pulmonary, Sensory).

Phantom Psychiatric and Community Health Nursing Notes™, 224 pages, (Addictive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Childhood Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, Eating Disorders, Mood Disorders, Organic Mental Disorders, Personality Disorders, Schizophrenic Disorders, Sexual Disorders, Somatoform Disorders, Community Nursing, Diseases of Community Nursing).

Dr. Glickman's Phantom Notes.